Alcohol and Drug Addiction Help
At Middlegate, our mission is to support individuals and families impacted by substance misuse. We provide a comprehensive range of services to guide you towards the most suitable treatments. Our offerings encompass alcohol and drug rehabilitation, detox services, intervention, aftercare, and outpatient counselling, delivered by reputable UK Private Addiction Rehab or NHS/Council-Funded providers. Our dedicated helpline advisors are committed to helping you find effective addiction treatments. Our service comes at no cost to you. If you opt for private residential treatment from our partner rehab network, we may receive a commission from the provider, but your expenses won’t increase.
Do you or someone you love suffer from addiction? If so, we understand how difficult life can be living in the midst of such circumstances.
Unfortunately, addiction knows no boundaries among race, gender, education level, or economic status. It is something that touches almost every one of us in one way or another.
Get your life back today
About Middlegate
At Middlegate Addiction Help, our focus is to assist you in finding the help and support you need to overcome your own addictions or those of a friend or family member. We are not here to judge or condemn; we are here to assist. We want to see every addict who crosses our path regain control of his or her life as soon as possible.
Middlegate staff are all in recovery from addiction. We are a group of caring and compassionate individuals generally concerned about the health and well-being of both addicts and their families. We are committed to making sure everyone who contacts us receives all the help he or she needs to overcome addiction.
We specialise in locating and referring addiction recovery programs for all sorts of addictions, including alcohol, illicit drugs – heroin, cocaine, etc., gambling, OTC/prescription drugs – codeine, morphine, etc.
We offer the best care
Through our established partnerships with alcohol and drug detox centers, residential rehabilitation facilities, outpatient programmes, counsellors, support groups, and more, we ensure tailored care referrals for each client based on their unique needs. We firmly believe in personalised care and do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all programme for everyone.
We understand the funding challenge for those facing financial constraints. If we cannot help find a way to pay for such care, we do have access to free programmes offered by the NHS. We help our clients navigate the system in order to take advantage of those free programmes. And while this is certainly something clients could do on their own, it’s not easy to do. We take the hassle out of it by helping clients every step of the way.
You don’t have to continue living with addiction, whether it’s your own struggle or that of a loved one. Reach out to us at Middlegate, and let us start guiding you towards recovery. With the right help and support, overcoming addiction is possible.

Start Treatment Now
With access to the best treatment in the UK and around the world, start your journey to an addiction-free life today
We Offer Clients Hope
The caring and compassionate staff here at Middlegate want you to know we offer our clients more than just a referral. We offer hope as well. After we successfully match a client with the appropriate addiction recovery program or residential facility, he or she will be well on the way to overcoming the chains of addiction. The hope of a brighter tomorrow shines clearly here.
All we need to help you is a first contact. Please make it a point to get in touch with us today if you, or someone you know, needs help overcoming addiction. Our fully trained staff await your call with genuine concern for the well-being of both the addict and his or her family.
Alcohol rehab is for people who specifically suffer from an alcohol addiction. It offers people the support necessary to overcome their addiction and find the freedom they desire. An alcohol addiction centre provides various treatments and therapies that have proven to help people through their addiction to alcohol. Alcohol rehab also offers the tools and life skills a person will need to avoid relapse after their treatment programme is over. Overcoming alcoholism is possible. Alcohol rehab can help a person realise this and guide them towards a fulfilling life free from addiction.
Receiving professional help at a drug rehab allows a person to look at each facet of their addiction and work through its complexities. As beneficial as drug rehab can be, it is only as effective as a person’s willingness to receive help. The results a person sees by going to drug rehab are largely dependent upon the attitude they have whilst receiving treatment. Attending drug rehab however, will present various methods designed for drug addiction recovery that can help tremendously. The more receptive a person is to receiving drug addiction help, the better results they will see from attending a drug rehab.
We can help you decide what type of addiction centre is best suited for your personal needs. Each drug addiction centre is different and will cater to certain specifics. We can help you gauge what your needs are, so you can best choose a centre that fits your personal situation.